Supported by the European Fund of Investigations, a group of italian specialists of the Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC. Faenza, Italy), led by Anna Tampieri have created a substance similar to the human bone starting from wood rattan (Daemonorops draco), a vegetable similar to the bamboo that grows in Africa, Borneo, Sulawesi, Sumbawa islands, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Bangladesh. A process that begins cutting wooden rattan in small tubular pieces, heating them then in a closed system to which one adds carbon and calcium. Thereafter the mixture is reheated to intense pressure in another stove to which one adds phosphate solution, being obtained after 10 days a material similar to the human bone.
After observing the artificial bone implanted in sheep, italian scientists sustain that this is durable, able to support the weight of the body, doesn't need to be replaced and it is cheap. Being porous allows the trip of blood vessels and nerves for their interior. It is not rejected by the organism, neither it is infected. According to the surgeon orthopedist Maurillo Marcacci, the bony particles of the natural bone of the sheep migrate to the artificial bone, forming in few months an all continuous one, adding that bony substitutes of metal or ceramic, don't fuse with the natural bone. It is expected that the new artificial bone will be useful in cancer and bigger traumas.
After observing the artificial bone implanted in sheep, italian scientists sustain that this is durable, able to support the weight of the body, doesn't need to be replaced and it is cheap. Being porous allows the trip of blood vessels and nerves for their interior. It is not rejected by the organism, neither it is infected. According to the surgeon orthopedist Maurillo Marcacci, the bony particles of the natural bone of the sheep migrate to the artificial bone, forming in few months an all continuous one, adding that bony substitutes of metal or ceramic, don't fuse with the natural bone. It is expected that the new artificial bone will be useful in cancer and bigger traumas.
Solidamente apoyados por el Fondo Europeo de Investigaciones, un grupo de especialistas italianos del Institute of Science and Technology for Ceramics (ISTEC. Faenza, Italy), liderados por Anna Tampieri han creado una sustancia semejante al hueso humano a partir de madera rattan (Daemonorops draco), un vegetal parecido al bamboo, que crece en Africa, Borneo, Sulawesi, islas Sumbawa, Filipinas, Sri Lanka, Malasia y Bangladesh. Un proceso que empieza con el corte de madera rattan en piezas tubulares pequeñas, calentandolas luego en un sistema cerrado al que se añade carbon y calcio. Mas tarde la mezcla es recalentada a presión intensa en otra estufa a la que se añade fosfato en solución, obteniéndose después de 10 dias un material semejante al hueso humano.
Tras observar al hueso artificial implantado en ovejas, los científicos italianos sostienen que este es durable, capaz de soportar el peso del cuerpo, no necesita ser reemplazado y es barato. Siendo poroso permite el viaje de vasos sanguíneos y nervios por su interior. No es rechazado por el organismo, ni se infecta. Segun el cirujano ortopedista Maurillo Marcacci, las particulas oseas del hueso natural de las ovejas migran al hueso artificial, formando en pocos meses un todo continuo, añadiendo que los sustitutos oseos de metal o cerámica, no se funden con el hueso natural. Se espera que el nuevo hueso artificial sea útil en cáncer y traumas mayores.
Labels: wood into bone
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