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Saturday, August 28, 2010


The Mars Express probe (ESA), took pictures of Orcus Patera, in which several martian craters suggest gigantic impacts or result of tensions of martian surface layers. Orcus Patera (380 km long and 200 km wide), is located between several inactive volcanos of the areas of Olympus and Elysium Mons. It is expected that the detailed images will clarify the origin of similar formations in Hadriaca Tyrrhena, Patera Patera, etc, of which until recently was thought they had been formed exclusively to effects of volcanism. Some researchers believe that these craters were formed by the compressive stress of martian surface layers. The effect of tectonic forces is suggested by the presence of right lines of 2 km wide and hundreds of m of depth.


La sonda Mars Express (ESA), tomó fotos de Orcus Patera, en las que se aprecian cráteres marcianos sugerentes de impactos gigantes o resultantes de tensiones de las capas superficiales marcianas. Orcus Patera (380 km de largo y 200 km de ancho), se ubica entre varios volcanes inactivos de las areas de Olympus y Elysium Mons. Se espera que las detalladas imágenes aclaren el origen de formaciones similares en Hadriaca Tyrrhena, Patera Patera, etc, de las que hasta hace poco se pensaba habían sido formadas exclusivamente a efectos del volcanismo. Algunos investigadores creen que estos cráteres fueron formados por el estrés compresivo de las capas superficiales marcianas.El efecto de las fuerzas tectónicas es sugerido por la presencia de líneas rectas de 2 km de ancho y centenares de m de profundidad.



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