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Wednesday, March 09, 2011


A group of scientists led by Richard Hoover (NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center), say they have discovered fossil cyanobacteria and worms inside a CI1 carbonaceous meteorite. The authors have published extensive photos of their findings in the “Journal of Cosmology”. His critics are asking why they not sent their pictures to Nature or Science where it had been more difficult to publish. In the photos enlarged by electron microscopy we can see filamentous structures similar to flatworms. According to Hoover they prove the existence of life, in almost any place in the universe, adding that life arrived early on Earth because of heavy bombardment of meteorites from outer space. Another opponent, Carl Pilcher (NASA Astrobiology Institute), says that most meteorites are contaminated by Earth organisms.


Un grupo de científicos liderados por Richard Hoover (NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center), aseguran haber descubierto cianobacterias y gusanos fósiles al interior de un meteorito carbonáceo CI1. Los autores han publicado extensas fotos de sus hallazgos en la revista “Journal of Cosmology”. Sus detractores se preguntan porque no las enviaron a Nature o Science donde hubiese sido mas dificil publicarlas. En las fotos ampliadas mediante microscopía electrónica, se aprecian estructuras filamentosas similares a gusanos planos. Segun Hoover, prueban la existencia de vida, en casi cualquier lugar del universo, agregando que la vida arribó tempranamente a la Tierra a causa del intenso bombardeo de meteoritos procedentes del espacio exterior. Otro opositor: Carl Pilcher (NASA Astrobiology Institute), asegura que la mayoría de meteoritos están contaminados por organismos terrestres.



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