There is a statistic of earthquakes, tsunamis and aftershocks, indicating that more earthquakes will occur in Japan, especially aftershocks. In the graph each red circle represents a possible earthquake in Japan, the most redder the most violent, the same that would cause thousands of deaths. In Japan it is hoped an earthquake that would cause great destruction. From 10 expected earthquakes of magnitude less than that occurred on March 11, has only occurred 3 aftershocks. Missing 7. A 20 km deep in the sea earthquakes of magnitude 7, rarely generates enough power to trigger tsunamis. The number of aftershocks decreases rapidly after 3 months, but sometimes as in New Zealand occur 6 months after the main earthquake. Several estimates indicate that due to the movement of tectonic plates, will occur at any time a major earthquake near Tokyo, with terrible consequences. TERREMOTOS y POSTTERREMOTOS Existe una estadística de terremotos, tsunamis y post-terremotos (aftershocks), que indican que ocurrirán mas terremotos en Japon, especialmente aftershocks. En el grafico cada circulo rojo representa un posible terremoto en Japon, cuanto mas rojo mas violento, los mismos que ocasionarían miles de muertes. En Japon se espera un terremoto que ocasionaria gran destruccion. De 10 terremotos por suceder de magnitud menor al ocurrido el 11 de marzo, solo han ocurrido 3 (aftershocks). Faltan 7. A 20 km de profundidad y con terremotos de magnitud 7, raramente se genera poder suficiente para desencadenar tsunamis. El numero de aftershocks disminuye rapidamente después de 3 meses, aunque a veces como en Nueva Zelanda ocurren 6 meses despues del terremoto principal. Varios cálculos indican que a causa del movimiento de las placas tectónicas, estaría por ocurrir en cualquier momento un gran terremoto cerca a Tokio, con consecuencias terribles.
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