Voy leyendo :Albert Einstein : Ideas y opiniones.

Ideas y Opiniones (Ideas and Opinions). (Obra escrita por Albert Einstein (1954), basada en : " Mein Weltbild " y editada por Carl Seelig y otras fuentes, motiva esta véz un somero análisis). Segunda Edición. Nuevas traducciones y revisiones por Sonja Bargmann. Libro leído, merced a préstamo por subcripción de la Biblioteca del IPCNA,de Lima. Editorial: Crown Publishers., Inc. New York. Según opinión de varios entendidos, esta recopilación de artículos, supera a las anteriores, de Einstein :"The World as I see It" Como veo al Mundo-1934-, "Out of my later years". Algo, de mis últimos años-1950- y "Mein Weltbild". En alemán: Mi visión del Mundo-1953.
Si alguien pensaba que Einstein solo se dedicaba a la fisica, tendrá que cambiar de opinión, cuando termine de leer y digerir este libro. La lectura total del texto me deja la impresión de que el buen Albert, era más bién un ciudadano del mundo, super-cultivado, focalizado en razón de la cortedad de la vida -aunque más por curiosidad-, en la física teórica. Creemos casi imposible que Einstein hubiese edificado la Teoría de la Relatividad, sin haber contado con el sólido background cultural que portaba. A lo largo de las 377 páginas de este libro se tocan temas sencillos como : impresiones sobre USA, al lado de otros más profundos : significado de la vida, Dios, demonios, sociedad, teoria del conocimiento, ciencia y religión, educación, la amistad, crisis económica mundial, producción y trabajo, desarme, pacifismo, mujeres y guerra, Alemania y Francia, cultura y prosperidad, mentalidad militar, decadencia cultural, asi como también temas espinosos : porque se odia a los judios. Ademas : física teórica, teoría general de la relatividad, verdad científica, método de la física teórica, entre muchos.
Tocante al tema : religión y ciencia, Einstein, es explícito : le es imposible aceptar una basada en el miedo, que castigue y premie, a quien se resista a ser sometido. Envisiona su propia religión como una de carácter cósmico, en la que la naturaleza terráquea deviene en una de sus tantas aristas y cuyos insondables secretos por su perfección lo fascinan, al puntode volverlo curioso con todas sus fuerzas, con todos sus sentimientos : un religioso en búsqueda de explicaciones; de la verdad. No obstante, reconoce el rol moral de la mayoria de las religiones creadas, adhiriendo sin reservas a muchos de sus postulados.
Tocante a la educación, participa de aquella que más que forjar profesionales específicos, genera una rica y permanente vida intelectual. Anhela que la educación estructure en los alumnos, libertad interior y de espíritu. Participa de una educación independiente de prejuicios sociales y del autocratismo presente en ciertas sociedades. Cree en una educación que propugne la liberación de uno mismo : de actitudes esclavizantes como el egoismo, en una que mejore a la humanidad. Afirma que ayuda a la educación en general, la emergencia de hombres paradigmáticos ricos en espiritualidad, moral y ética, más que la de aquellos que ostentan poder económico o político. Cree en una educación basada en la libre expresión de ideas, máxima tolerancia, de juicio independiente y pensar reflexivo, más que en actitudes educativas, impuestas por el miedo o la autoridad.
En el tema de los judios, aclara que no obstante ser un pueblo pequeño : 16 millones en 1934, han logrado dispersarse y posicionarse por todos los confines del mundo, lo que de uno u otro modo les ha permitido aportar con grandes ideas y algunos males, a la humanidad. Especifica que no obstante que algunos judios son agnósticos o, ateos, nunca dejan de ser judios. Los judios, no son inteligentes por herencia, son seres humanos comunes y corrientes, aunque de un tipo especial : son fanáticos por la justicia, un pueblo que valora intensamente su independencia personal, que busca el conocimiento por si mismo, que es permanentemente contrario a la sinrazón. Aunque tolerantes en extremo, no estan dispuestos a rendir obediencia a ningún mortal. Se oponen a todo lo que implique esclavitud mental o corporal, a la fuerza bruta, a todo lo que atente contra sus libertades individuales. Descarta de plano que los judios constituyan una raza superior intelectualmente, aunque es verdad que sus costumbres, principios y enseñanzas son trasmitidas cuidadosamente de, padres a hijos. Obviamente, en estados totalitarios a los que ellos siempre han cuestionado o, donde existan ideas fundamentalistas (como en ciertas épocas en Rusia y Alemania), ellos aparezcan como contraculturales, rebeldes, opositores, lo que de alguna manera, genera un odio artificial hacia ellos.
En la parte final del libro nos toca asistir a la caida dramática de la fisica clásica (la de los macroobjetos). Einstein, recrea la teoria de la relatividad en 7 páginas, aclarando que aunque el edificó la teoría, partiendo de hechos, no pierde las esperanzas de que algun dia pudiese asistir al nacimiento de un sistema mental lógico-simbólico, capáz de preveer hechos facticos, experimentales, con antelación y precisión. Sostiene que el es un fisico teórico, dado a trabajar con los principios básicos de las cosas, re-analizándolas constantemente. Einstein, en su Teoría especial y general de la Relatividad, prefiere las "lineas curvas", para el tránsito inercial de cuerpos sólidos en el espacio, a las "lineas rectas, de la geometría euclidiana. Discrepa con Newton al incorporar al tiempo en un continuum de 4 dimensiones, más que creer en el "tiempo independiente", sostenido por el inglés. Afirma que fuerza centrifuga y fuerza gravitacional son equivalentes y reemplazables, algo inimaginado por Newton, tornando muchos aspectos de la mecánica, en principios energéticos. Termina diciendo que no cree en verdades religiosas, pero sí, en las establecidas por la matematica proposicional, la fisica teorica y otros. Y, que la ciencia debe contribuir a vencer a la superstición. Un libro para leer.
Links:1-Albert Einstein.2005. Editor Carl Seeling.Espasa Calpe.(Versión española de Ideas y Opiniones). 2-Las pasiones de Einstein.2005. Por: Overbye Dennis. Editorial Lumen. 3-La Nueva imagen del Mundo.El impacto filosófico de la teoría de la Relatividad. 2003.Gonzales Ruiz Agustín. Edit : Alcal. SA 4-Einstein y el nacimiento de la gran ciencia.2004.Color Peter.Editorial Gedisa.
I am reading:Albert Einstein: Ideas and opinions.
Ideas and Opinions (Work written by Albert Einstein -1954-, based on: " Mein Weltbild " and published by Carl Seelig and other sources, motivates this time a brief analysis). Second Edition. New translations and revisions by Sonja Bargmann. I read this book, thanks to loan by subcripción of the Library of the IPCNA, of Lima. Editorial: Crown Publishers., Inc. New York. According to opinion of several, this article's compilation, surpasses to the previous ones, of Einstein: "The World as I see It "-1934 -,"Out of my later years".-1950- and "Mein Weltbild". In German: As I see the world-1953-.
If somebody thought that Einstein was single dedicated to the physics, he must have to change of opinion, when it finishes reading and digesting this book. The total reading of the text leaves me the impression, that the good Albert, was more a citizen of the world, superb-cultivated, focused in regard to the shortness of the life - although more by curiosity -, in theoretical physics. Let us believe almost impossible that Einstein had built the Theory of Relativity, without having counted with the cultural solid background that he carried. Throughout the 377 pages of this book simple subjects are touched like: impressions on the USA, next to deeper others: meaning of the life, God, demons, society, theory of the knowledge, science and religion, education, the friendship, world-wide economic crisis, production and work, disarmament, pacifism, women and war, Germany and France, culture and prosperity, military mentality, cultural decay, as also thorny subjects: because they hated the jews. Besides: theoretical physics, general theory of relativity, scientific truth, method of the theoretical physics, between many.
Concerning the subject: religion and science, Einstein, are explicit: it is impossible to him to accept a cradle in the fear, that punishes and awards, to who resists to being put under power. he envision its own religion like one of cosmic character, in which the terraqueous nature happens in one of its so many edges and whose deep secrets by their perfection fascinate him, with all its forces, with all its feelings: a monk in search of explanations; of the truth. However, he recognizes the moral roll of most of the created religions, adhering without reserves to many of his postulates.
Concerning the education, he participates of which more than to forge specific professionals, it generates a rich and permanent intellectual life. He yearns for that the education structures in the students, inner freedom and of spirit. He participates in an education independent of social prejudices and the present autocratism in certain societies. Believe in an education that advocates the liberation of one same : of slave-driven attitudes like the shelfish, in which he improves the humanity. It affirms more that it helps the education in general, the emergency of rich paradigmátics men in spirit, moral and ethics, than the one of which show to be able economic or political. Believe in an education based on the free expression of ideas, maximal tolerance, of independent judgment and to think reflexive, more than in educative attitudes, imposed by the fear or the authority.
In the subject of the jews, it clarifies that despite being a small town: 16 million in 1934, have managed to disperse and to position themselves by all the borders of the world, which in one or another way has allowed to contribute with great ideas and some evils them, to the humanity. It specifies that even though some jews are agnostic or, atheists, never stop being jews. The jews, are not intelligent by inheritance, are common and current human beings, although of a special type: they are fanatical by justice, a town that values intensely its personal independence, that looks for the knowledge by itself, that it is permanently in opposition to without reasons. Although tolerant in end, they are not arranged to render obedience to any mortal. They are against to everything what implies mental or corporal slavery, the brute force, to everything what attempts against its individual liberties. It discards of plane that the jews intellectually constitute a superior race, although it is truth that their customs, principles and lessons are trasmitted carefully from parents to children. Obvious, in totalitarian states to which they always have questioned or, where fundamentalist ideas exist (like at certain times in Russia and Germany), they appear like contraculturales, rebels, opponents, which somehow, generates an artificial hatred towards them.
In the final part of the book it is called on to us to attend the dramatic fall of the classic physics (the one of the macroobjects). Einstein, recreates theory of the relativity in 7 pages, clarifying that although he built the theory, starting off of facts, it does not lose the hopes of which some day he could attend the birth of a logical-symbolic mental system, capable of foresee experimental facts, with advance and precision. he maintains that he is a theoretical physics, constantly working with the basic principles of the things, re-analyzing them. Einstein, in its special and general Theory of Relativity, prefers the "curved lines", for the inertial transit of solid bodies in the space, to the "right lines", of euclidian geometry. It differs with Newton when incorporating the time in a continuum of 4 dimensions, more than to believe in the "independent time", maintained by the englishman. Einstein affirms that the forces centrifuges and gravitational force are equivalent and interchangeable, something inimaginated by Newton, changing many aspects of the mechanics, in power principles. It ends up saying that he does not believe in religious truths, but, in the established ones by the propositional mathematic, the theoretic physics and others. And, that science must contribute to win to the superstition. A book to read.
Ideas and Opinions (Work written by Albert Einstein -1954-, based on: " Mein Weltbild " and published by Carl Seelig and other sources, motivates this time a brief analysis). Second Edition. New translations and revisions by Sonja Bargmann. I read this book, thanks to loan by subcripción of the Library of the IPCNA, of Lima. Editorial: Crown Publishers., Inc. New York. According to opinion of several, this article's compilation, surpasses to the previous ones, of Einstein: "The World as I see It "-1934 -,"Out of my later years".-1950- and "Mein Weltbild". In German: As I see the world-1953-.
If somebody thought that Einstein was single dedicated to the physics, he must have to change of opinion, when it finishes reading and digesting this book. The total reading of the text leaves me the impression, that the good Albert, was more a citizen of the world, superb-cultivated, focused in regard to the shortness of the life - although more by curiosity -, in theoretical physics. Let us believe almost impossible that Einstein had built the Theory of Relativity, without having counted with the cultural solid background that he carried. Throughout the 377 pages of this book simple subjects are touched like: impressions on the USA, next to deeper others: meaning of the life, God, demons, society, theory of the knowledge, science and religion, education, the friendship, world-wide economic crisis, production and work, disarmament, pacifism, women and war, Germany and France, culture and prosperity, military mentality, cultural decay, as also thorny subjects: because they hated the jews. Besides: theoretical physics, general theory of relativity, scientific truth, method of the theoretical physics, between many.
Concerning the subject: religion and science, Einstein, are explicit: it is impossible to him to accept a cradle in the fear, that punishes and awards, to who resists to being put under power. he envision its own religion like one of cosmic character, in which the terraqueous nature happens in one of its so many edges and whose deep secrets by their perfection fascinate him, with all its forces, with all its feelings: a monk in search of explanations; of the truth. However, he recognizes the moral roll of most of the created religions, adhering without reserves to many of his postulates.
Concerning the education, he participates of which more than to forge specific professionals, it generates a rich and permanent intellectual life. He yearns for that the education structures in the students, inner freedom and of spirit. He participates in an education independent of social prejudices and the present autocratism in certain societies. Believe in an education that advocates the liberation of one same : of slave-driven attitudes like the shelfish, in which he improves the humanity. It affirms more that it helps the education in general, the emergency of rich paradigmátics men in spirit, moral and ethics, than the one of which show to be able economic or political. Believe in an education based on the free expression of ideas, maximal tolerance, of independent judgment and to think reflexive, more than in educative attitudes, imposed by the fear or the authority.
In the subject of the jews, it clarifies that despite being a small town: 16 million in 1934, have managed to disperse and to position themselves by all the borders of the world, which in one or another way has allowed to contribute with great ideas and some evils them, to the humanity. It specifies that even though some jews are agnostic or, atheists, never stop being jews. The jews, are not intelligent by inheritance, are common and current human beings, although of a special type: they are fanatical by justice, a town that values intensely its personal independence, that looks for the knowledge by itself, that it is permanently in opposition to without reasons. Although tolerant in end, they are not arranged to render obedience to any mortal. They are against to everything what implies mental or corporal slavery, the brute force, to everything what attempts against its individual liberties. It discards of plane that the jews intellectually constitute a superior race, although it is truth that their customs, principles and lessons are trasmitted carefully from parents to children. Obvious, in totalitarian states to which they always have questioned or, where fundamentalist ideas exist (like at certain times in Russia and Germany), they appear like contraculturales, rebels, opponents, which somehow, generates an artificial hatred towards them.
In the final part of the book it is called on to us to attend the dramatic fall of the classic physics (the one of the macroobjects). Einstein, recreates theory of the relativity in 7 pages, clarifying that although he built the theory, starting off of facts, it does not lose the hopes of which some day he could attend the birth of a logical-symbolic mental system, capable of foresee experimental facts, with advance and precision. he maintains that he is a theoretical physics, constantly working with the basic principles of the things, re-analyzing them. Einstein, in its special and general Theory of Relativity, prefers the "curved lines", for the inertial transit of solid bodies in the space, to the "right lines", of euclidian geometry. It differs with Newton when incorporating the time in a continuum of 4 dimensions, more than to believe in the "independent time", maintained by the englishman. Einstein affirms that the forces centrifuges and gravitational force are equivalent and interchangeable, something inimaginated by Newton, changing many aspects of the mechanics, in power principles. It ends up saying that he does not believe in religious truths, but, in the established ones by the propositional mathematic, the theoretic physics and others. And, that science must contribute to win to the superstition. A book to read.
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Carambas Víctor, yo que tengo el libro "The World as I see It" (De Como veo yo al Mundo ) ha quedado corto con el libro que mencionas, bueno buscaré esta edición para tambien leerla.
Otra cosa, en el libro citado, Eintein deja constancia que era mal Padre, pues él mismo hacia entender que habia que aislar los problemas cotidianos para ser un Investigador-Científico, como él lo fué, pero por Biografías sabemos que en su vida familiar y conyugal tuvo ciertos tropiezos. Lo que enseña tambien cuan importante es la Trascendencia cultural, experiencias, conocimientos, etc a nuestros hijos que seguirán un camino diferente a nuestro espacio y tiempo en la sociedad; es decir una cuestion "generacional".
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