Cuando la sed de conocimientos, exige sacrificios.

El 5 de octubre de 1885, el estudiante de medicina peruano: Daniel Alcides Carrión, fallecia despué
s de, haberse inoculado en las venas de sus brazos, sangre extraida de erupciones dérmicas (verrugas), procedentes de un paciente afectado por Bartonellosis (germen causal: Bartonella bacilliformis). Carrión, tenia las mismas motivaciones de Warren : demostrar que la fiebre hemolitica, que mataba sin piedad a miles de obreros que construían un ferrocarril y la benigna erupción verrucosa (que conferia inmunidad natural, eran partes aisladas de una sola enfermedad). La emergencia de verrugas, conferia calidad de inmunizado (asintomático), a sus portantes. Asi, pués Carrión no fué el único en autoadministrarse gérmenes. Las razones intimas que llevaron a Carrión a tomar tal decisión, solo las conoce él, pero en retribución a acto tan sublime, el gobierno del Perú, decidió desde hace muchos años, declararlo mártir de la medicina peruana.La primera semana de Octubre de todos los años, se commemora en el Perú, la Semana de la Medicina Peruana, en la que Carrión es figura central.

When the thirst of know-how, requires sacrifices.
Thanks to, and other informtive media, we inform us that today the Medicine Nobel Prize, was given to 2 australian scientifics : J. Robin Warren and Barry J. Marshall, by to have shown reliably causal asociation between the bacteria Helicobacter pilorii and the generation of stomach and duodenal ulcers. That is to say the gastric ulcers will no longer be treated with antiacids, but with antibiotics. A radical change, at the many experiments and a patient work of conviction to the scientific community, sceptic by nature. Today it is accepted that 80% and 90% of the gastric and duodenal ulcers, respectively, were caused by this bacteria, resistant to the gastroduodenal juices. An collateral aspect of these experiments, is that J.Marshall, in some moment ingested a pathogenic portion of H.pilorii cultures. On account of it, he was very sick, although he happily regained his good health. Nevertheless, not all the "experimenters with their own body ", have so much luck.
In October 5, 1885, the peruvian medical student: Daniel Alcides Carrion, died, after had inoculated himself in the veins of its arms, blood extracted from dermic eruptions (warts), originating in a patient affected by Bartonellosis (causal germ: Bartonella bacilliformis). Carrion, had the same motivations of Warren: to show that the haemolitic fever, that killed without piety to thousands of laborers that built a peruvian railroad and the benign one dermic eruption (that gave natural immunity, were cut off from parts a single illness). The emergency of warts, gave quality of immunized (without symptoms), to their carriers. In this way, Carrion was not the single in self administer germs. The reasons you suggest that they carried to Carrion to take such decision, is only known by Carrion, but in reward to this sublime act, the government of Perú, decided many years ago, to declare him martyr of the Peruvian medicine. Since the the medical peruvian institutions commemorate the first week of October of all the years : the week of the Peruvian Medicine, in which Carrion is the star.
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