La papa nuestra, de cada día.

Por ello a pesar de la publicidad recibida,, los estudios (morfologia comparativa, hibridización y analisis de RFLP del DNA), de la papa y de sus distintas variedades, realizados por el horticultor Da

Cuando los españoles arribaron al Perú, la papa ya tenia su morfologia actual. Dice Goodspeed, al respecto: ”el hecho de que las selecciones originales de la papa se hicieran reconociendo el principio de la propagación vegetativa por tubérculos, permitió mantener inmutables las variedades seleccionadas…La propagación por semillas, el cruzamiento natural y la segregación consiguiente, solo hubieran logrado producir unas pocas variedades". La primera exportación de papas, hacia las Islas Canarias, se realizó en 1530. Poco después (1570), fueron llevadas a España y Europa, para poco después ser reenviadas desde alli, hacia Norteamérica. Las primeras variedades de papa, crecieron entre los 3250-4660 msnm. Existen variedades (razas) de papa dulce de la que se extrae el almidón y otra amarga, de la que se extrae un chuño (harina obtenida por deshidratación de la papa), blanquisimo. El modo de obtener el chuño, es exponer la papa al sol y al frio andino y, luego pisotear la papa, a fin de extraerle toda el agua residual. De ese modo la papa residual contraida, puede conservarse muchos años. De las papas verdes y secas, se extrae el pan indígena y de la yerba y frutas, el tóxico :solanina. Los mochicas (900 años d.C.), gustaban de representar a la papa, en sus ceramios. La papa, aporta más calorías y energia por área sembrada que cualquier otro cereal o fruta. La papa contiene : 20% de parte seca y 80% de agua. 100g de parte seca, contienen : 840g de hidratos de carbono, 14,5 g de proteinas y 0,1 g de grasa. 100 g. de papa, proporcionan : 800 calorias y 20g de proteínas.
La papa no solo permitió la existencia de poblaciones numerosas, en las regiones mas elevadas de los andes. También posibilitó el desenvolvimiento industrial de la Europa de los siglos XVIII y XIX, salvándola de muchas hambrunas. La papa ha devenido en Europa y el resto del mundo en poco tiempo en alimento insustituible, porque brinda comida nutritiva en menor tiempo y con menor tierra. Europa y la antigua URSS, producian hasta hace poco más del 70% de la producción mundial. Termino, acotando que la papa, ocupa el 4 lugar entre los alimentos producidos a nivel mundial.
Our potato of every day
In 1941, the geneticist Hawkes, coordinator of an important british scientific expedition wrote in in relation to the cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) : "Today we known 7 domestic potato species in the Andean area, 5000 varieties and more tha 2000 wild species". He continued affirming, that S. tuberosum itself had originated: S. andigenum (with its subraces: argentinian and bolivian) and S . chileanum. Hawkes and other peruvian and foreign scientific that worked here, never doubted that the firts species of S. tuberosum, were born in souther peruvian hagh altitude spaces. Because of it in spite of the publicity received:, the studies (comparative morphology, cross studies and analisis of RFLP of the DNA), of the peruvian potato and of its different varieties, carried out by the horticulturist David Spooner of the University of Wisconsin:, are not new, although they confirm, what was already known. Spooner, maintains in base to the reading of the genetic clocks of the different species of Solanum, that the peruvian cultivated potato, has an antiquity from among 6000 to 10 000 b.C.,years. Although the bioarchaeological evidence has only identified remains of primitive potatoes, in the Peruvian coast, with an antiquity of barely 3000 years b.C, what Spooner says is certain. The potatoes were born in high altitude habitats and from there was transferred to the coast. On the other hand, 7 000 yeras b:C, the potatoes do not exhibit the physical characteristic of today. In relation to this Lachtam, said :" It was admirable the ability of the old Peruvians in to develop this alimentary plant from an insignificant tubercle, of barely the size of a hazelnut of dark and stiff bark, of bitter flavor and watered down food taste, as happens with the wild species". Until 1940, most scientifcs thought that the potato had diverse origins (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru). Spooner has repeated that the first potatoes were cultivated in the central Andes and that the first one in emerging was S.tuberosum. The second one subset originated in Chiloe and other in the archpielag of Chonos (both in Chile), by hibridization of the prior peruvian potato with the argentinian or, the bolivian potato. Spooner, who has remained in Peru, 2 months/each/yera for collecting diverse species of potatoes, has studied thoroughly, the DNA of 360 varieties, among wild and cultivated.When the spaniars arrived to Peru (1492), the potato had already their present morphology. Goodspeed, said :" The fact that the original selections of the potatoes were made recognizing the principle of the tubercle vegetative propagation, permitted to maintain immutable the selected varieties. The propagations by seeds, the natural crossing and the consequent segregation alone had managed to produce only a few varieties ". The first one exportation of potatoes was toward the Islands Canaries (1530). After this (1570 ), they were carried to Spain and Europe. After that, they were transported toward Northamerica. The first varieties of potatoes grew among the 3250-4660 msnm. Varieties exist (races) of sweet potato of which is extracted the starch,and another bitter one, of which is extracted the chuño (flour obtained by dehydration of the pope), very white. The way to obtain the chuño, is to expose the potatoes to the sun and andean cold, then trampled the potatoes in order to extract all the residual water. In that way the residual potatoes are contracted and can be preserved many years. Of the dry and green potatoes is obtained the bread and of the grass and fruits, the toxic :solanina. The mochicas (900 years b.C.), liked to represent the potatoes in their pottery. The potatoes, gave more calories and energy by cultivated land than any another cereal or fruit. The potatoes contains: 20% of dry part and 80% of water. 100g of dry part contain: 840 g of carbohydrates, 14,5 g of proteins and 0,1 g of fat. 100 g. of potato, provide: 800 calories and 20 g of proteins. The potato not only permitted the existence of numerous populations, in the Andes. It also, permitted the industrial development of the Europe of the 18th centuries and XIX, saving them from many famines. The potatoe has converted in Europe and in the remainder of the world in little time in an irreplaceable food, because it offers nutritious food in smaller time and with smaller land. Europe and the old one USSR, produced until a few years ago, the 70% of the world wide production. I finish, mentioning that the potato, occupies the 4 place among the food produced on a worldwide basis.
1-Bonavia Duccio.1991.Peru, Hombre e Historia De los origenes al Siglo XV.Primera edición. Edubanco, Lima.
2-Yacóvleff, E. y Herrera, F.1934.El Mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos. Revista del Museo Nacional.Tomo III. No 3, Lima.
3-Yacóvleff, E. y Herrera, F.1935.El Mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos.Revista del Museo Nacional.Tomo IV. No.1,Lima.
4-Hawkes,J.G.1941-44.Potato collecting expedition in México and South america.Cambridge Imperial Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetic. School of Agriculture,London.
5-Horkheimer,H.1973. Alimentación y obtención de alimentos en el Perú prehispánico.Dirección Universitaria de Biblioteca y Publicaciones de la UNMSM, Lima.
6-Soukup, Jaroslav, SDB.1987.Vocabulario de los nombres vulgares de la flora peruana y catálogo de los géneros.Editorial Salesiana,Lima-Peru.
7-Latcham, R.1936.La agricultura precolombina en Chile y los paises vecinos. Santiago de Chile.
8-Towle, M.1961.The ethnobotany of precolumbian Peru.Wenner Green Foundation for Anthropological Research Inc., New York.
2-Yacóvleff, E. y Herrera, F.1934.El Mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos. Revista del Museo Nacional.Tomo III. No 3, Lima.
3-Yacóvleff, E. y Herrera, F.1935.El Mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos.Revista del Museo Nacional.Tomo IV. No.1,Lima.
4-Hawkes,J.G.1941-44.Potato collecting expedition in México and South america.Cambridge Imperial Bureau of Plant Breeding and Genetic. School of Agriculture,London.
5-Horkheimer,H.1973. Alimentación y obtención de alimentos en el Perú prehispánico.Dirección Universitaria de Biblioteca y Publicaciones de la UNMSM, Lima.
6-Soukup, Jaroslav, SDB.1987.Vocabulario de los nombres vulgares de la flora peruana y catálogo de los géneros.Editorial Salesiana,Lima-Peru.
7-Latcham, R.1936.La agricultura precolombina en Chile y los paises vecinos. Santiago de Chile.
8-Towle, M.1961.The ethnobotany of precolumbian Peru.Wenner Green Foundation for Anthropological Research Inc., New York.
El Ing. Agrónomo Carlos Ochoa tambien llegó a hacer un estudio de la clasificación de la Papa,lo que le ha valido varios reconocimientos Internacionales,aqui mas detalles de este Cientifico Peruano
Slds Victor y buen articulo
Hola amigos estoy buscando esta informacion:Yacóvleff, E. y Herrera, F.1935.El Mundo vegetal de los antiguos peruanos.Revista del Museo Nacional.Tomo IV. No.1,Lima.
por favor si lo tienen me envian a este correo
bueno el genero Solanum es el jugador numero 10 del equipo de las SOLANACEAE
Si todo el mundo sabe que la papa es peruana, cual es la enfermedad de Chile para pretender ser el origen?
Aca parece estar todo bien explicado:
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