Peru: National Vaccination against Rubella.

According to notes coming from Argentinean newspapers, the gaucho country spent in 2003: 22 million dollars in vaccinating to 28 millions of Argentinean, something that to the scientific Argentinean journalist: Nora Bär (author of the news), found it excessive, reason for which she urged to the Argentinean industry to relaunch its initial self-program of human vaccines manufactures. The Bär, was not alone worried by the high costs, but also for the effectiveness, beeing she conciouss that antigenic non Argentinean strain would not always provide protection, to 100%. The fact cares because MINSA (Ministry of Health of Peru), have just spent 22 million dollars in a National Campaign of Vaccination against the Measles, the Rubella and the Syndrome of Congenital Rubella -01/10/06-05/11/06 -), in an universe of hardly 14 million Peruvians - man and women - among 02 - 39 years -. For MINSA, the activity, looked for to fulfill the Resolution CD 44-R1 of PHO (Pan-American Health Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization), assumed by Peru, before the rest of the nations of the continent. As it is known, the Rubella affects to pregnant woman -mainly in the first weeks of gestation- causing abortion, fetal death or, births with serious lesions: heart anomalies, microcephaly, mental retard, deafness, blindness, etc (Syndrome of Congenital Rubella), avoidable with only one of vaccine dose. According to PHO, Peru is one of the few countries in the world that still presents cases of Congenital Rubella. In this respect and according to the journalist: Cesar Hildebrandt (newspaper: The Primera), the president's government Alan García, spent 22 million dollars in buying this vaccines to Esque Group, "a company that supplies to the Pharmacies of the People, from the APRA and whose president of the directory is the APRA pediatrician: Hugo Díaz Lozano, a close doctor's friend of García and who knows that rubella is not any threat in Peru, like other diseases as: TBC, the Dengue, Bartonellosis, Tripanosomiasis, etc.". The journalist adds that according to MINSA, in the last five years they had shown up in the country, alone 5 200 cases of rubella, none lethal.
In front of it, the congress member: María Balta, informed that the Peruvian Congress Commission of Health (23/10/06) - that she presides- agreed to request a report to the Ministry of Health: Carlos Vallejos Solouguren, in relation to the process of acquisition of vaccines against the rubella, adding that at the moment the order had not prospered to oblige the holder of Health to appear before the Commission, reason for which they invited to the regional representative of PHO, so that he clears doubts in this respect. Of another side, the president of the Commission of Inspection of the Congress: Edgard Reymundo, announced that an investigation will begin, on the irregular supposed purchase of vaccine against the rubella. In an interview granted to a radio of Lima, the minister: C. Vallejos S., discarded the existence of a conflict of interests. "since the planning was carried out in the 2004 and the requirements in the 2005, when APRA didn't govern." adding that. "Peru doesn't buy the vaccines directly, but rather he has made it - with more than a year of anticipation - through OPS/Washington that carries out the acquisitions through a Rotational" Fund. For their side, the Regional Adviser of PHO: Carlos Castillo Solórzano, explained that with the Rotational Fund they carried out combined purchases of vaccines for all the countries of America, reducing costs and assuring the quality. The only vaccines that they acquired with this Fund are those prequalified for WHO, validating good factory practices. He add that the good pro for the vaccines against the rubella, were given by the OPS/Washington (Nov/05), to the company Serum Institute of India. However it is necessary not to minimize the accusations of Hildebrandt, because the own WHO, evaluates in these days, a series of measures, to avoid frauds in political of health. According to OMS, the corruption would be taken 12 500 millions of annual dollars of the money provided by the governments for the acquisition of medications, as a consequence of fraudulent practices and bribes of middlemen and corrupt officials.
What is not to be against the vaccinations; on the contrary we agree with this practice 100%, but with appropriate and fair practices. Here we have as an example -according to words of : Jon Kim Andrus - (Boss of Vaccinations OPS / OMS), to the Cuban program of immunizations who from 1962 to the dates, have eliminated the poliomyelitis, the diphtheria, the measles, the ferocious cough, the rubella and the parotiditis (mumps). Also, the clinical severe forms of the infantile tetanus, of the tuberculous (in younger than one year) meningitis, serious complications of the syndrome of the congenital rubella and of the meningoencefalitis postparotiditis. Apart, from other illnesses that are no longer problems to the health in Cuba (with rates of 0,1 for 100 000 inhabitants), like the tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae or others that have reduced their morbidity (frequency): Typhoid fever, meningocócias and Hepatitis B. Concerning to the vaccine against the rubella, the Serum Institute of India, manufacture 3 types of vaccines : : R-Vac (exclusively against rubella), MR (vaccine double: Measles and Rubella, this it is the one distributed in Peru) and a third, MPR (Triple Vaccine: Measles, Rubella and Mumps, recommended by WHO). In all the cases it is a vaccine with alive attenuated virus, gone by human diploid cells (46 chromosomes). R-Vac, has some side effects: rash (2%) and other less frequent ones: ganglionar hypertrophy, of salivary glands and parotyd glands, fever and sometimes: aseptic meningitis. Associated to the Measles,there is a increase in the range of the side effects. This way, Zecca et al, of New Jersey Medical School's Children's Hospital, Newark, comparing holding of antibodies antirubella coming from autistic and normal children, they found an increment 3 folds in the autists, validated by the test of Wilcoxon Kruskal Wallas, with having been statistically significant. Also, Vijendra K. Singh demonstrated an association between viral (possibly derived of vaccinations) infections and development of autoantibodies in autistic childrens (self-antibodies post measles, against MBP -Mielin Basic Protein- or, the brain).
Also the vaccine against the rubella would be in capacity of affecting the immunologic system of non pregnant woman, generating autoinmunes answers, antifertilization, being the woman without possibility of being pregnant, in most cases in permanent form. Some Argentinean newspapers, assure that they would already have been discovered some of these cases in Paraná, San Juan, Mendoza, La Plata. For those that need more tests, of the presence of Gonadothrophic Corionic Hormone (GCH), they are, they exist, in the vaccines of tetanus and rubella. The suspicions is increased,because of certain declarations carried out by WHO, in the sense that their technicians work a "birth-control new vaccine" that will "be of long reach without secondary effects associated to the hormonal methods; easy to administer and with non permanent effects". A " inmunoanticonceptive vaccine", to be put in the market inside 5 to 7 years and whose action mechanism would consist in not allowing that the human body produces high levels of the GCH hormone. As long time the government from India contributes funds for the investigation with these inmunocontraceptives, it already has approved the tests of this vaccine, in fertile women. Hence, at local level, we worry about the publication of certain warning in the online Portal of PHO, very contradictory...." Pregnant vaccinated inadvertently . Although it is not contraindication that the pregnant woman is vaccinated with SR, since the scientific advances demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and innocuous for the fetus, the Ministry of Health and Sports recommends not to vaccinate women embarrassed by general caution of not administering biological during the pregnancy and so that it is not related to the vaccine with complications like congenital due malformations to other causes." The certain thing is that in Peru, many pregnant have been vaccinated. Hence, the ideal thing is to have vacines without side effects, powerful, sure, cheap, easy to elaborate, easy to store and to administer that offer immunity against many illnesses with only one application and that they don't need reinforcements. In this context the vaccines to alive attenuated virus, are outside of context.
In front of it, the congress member: María Balta, informed that the Peruvian Congress Commission of Health (23/10/06) - that she presides- agreed to request a report to the Ministry of Health: Carlos Vallejos Solouguren, in relation to the process of acquisition of vaccines against the rubella, adding that at the moment the order had not prospered to oblige the holder of Health to appear before the Commission, reason for which they invited to the regional representative of PHO, so that he clears doubts in this respect. Of another side, the president of the Commission of Inspection of the Congress: Edgard Reymundo, announced that an investigation will begin, on the irregular supposed purchase of vaccine against the rubella. In an interview granted to a radio of Lima, the minister: C. Vallejos S., discarded the existence of a conflict of interests. "since the planning was carried out in the 2004 and the requirements in the 2005, when APRA didn't govern." adding that. "Peru doesn't buy the vaccines directly, but rather he has made it - with more than a year of anticipation - through OPS/Washington that carries out the acquisitions through a Rotational" Fund. For their side, the Regional Adviser of PHO: Carlos Castillo Solórzano, explained that with the Rotational Fund they carried out combined purchases of vaccines for all the countries of America, reducing costs and assuring the quality. The only vaccines that they acquired with this Fund are those prequalified for WHO, validating good factory practices. He add that the good pro for the vaccines against the rubella, were given by the OPS/Washington (Nov/05), to the company Serum Institute of India. However it is necessary not to minimize the accusations of Hildebrandt, because the own WHO, evaluates in these days, a series of measures, to avoid frauds in political of health. According to OMS, the corruption would be taken 12 500 millions of annual dollars of the money provided by the governments for the acquisition of medications, as a consequence of fraudulent practices and bribes of middlemen and corrupt officials.
What is not to be against the vaccinations; on the contrary we agree with this practice 100%, but with appropriate and fair practices. Here we have as an example -according to words of : Jon Kim Andrus - (Boss of Vaccinations OPS / OMS), to the Cuban program of immunizations who from 1962 to the dates, have eliminated the poliomyelitis, the diphtheria, the measles, the ferocious cough, the rubella and the parotiditis (mumps). Also, the clinical severe forms of the infantile tetanus, of the tuberculous (in younger than one year) meningitis, serious complications of the syndrome of the congenital rubella and of the meningoencefalitis postparotiditis. Apart, from other illnesses that are no longer problems to the health in Cuba (with rates of 0,1 for 100 000 inhabitants), like the tetanus and Haemophilus influenzae or others that have reduced their morbidity (frequency): Typhoid fever, meningocócias and Hepatitis B. Concerning to the vaccine against the rubella, the Serum Institute of India, manufacture 3 types of vaccines : : R-Vac (exclusively against rubella), MR (vaccine double: Measles and Rubella, this it is the one distributed in Peru) and a third, MPR (Triple Vaccine: Measles, Rubella and Mumps, recommended by WHO). In all the cases it is a vaccine with alive attenuated virus, gone by human diploid cells (46 chromosomes). R-Vac, has some side effects: rash (2%) and other less frequent ones: ganglionar hypertrophy, of salivary glands and parotyd glands, fever and sometimes: aseptic meningitis. Associated to the Measles,there is a increase in the range of the side effects. This way, Zecca et al, of New Jersey Medical School's Children's Hospital, Newark, comparing holding of antibodies antirubella coming from autistic and normal children, they found an increment 3 folds in the autists, validated by the test of Wilcoxon Kruskal Wallas, with having been statistically significant. Also, Vijendra K. Singh demonstrated an association between viral (possibly derived of vaccinations) infections and development of autoantibodies in autistic childrens (self-antibodies post measles, against MBP -Mielin Basic Protein- or, the brain).
Also the vaccine against the rubella would be in capacity of affecting the immunologic system of non pregnant woman, generating autoinmunes answers, antifertilization, being the woman without possibility of being pregnant, in most cases in permanent form. Some Argentinean newspapers, assure that they would already have been discovered some of these cases in Paraná, San Juan, Mendoza, La Plata. For those that need more tests, of the presence of Gonadothrophic Corionic Hormone (GCH), they are, they exist, in the vaccines of tetanus and rubella. The suspicions is increased,because of certain declarations carried out by WHO, in the sense that their technicians work a "birth-control new vaccine" that will "be of long reach without secondary effects associated to the hormonal methods; easy to administer and with non permanent effects". A " inmunoanticonceptive vaccine", to be put in the market inside 5 to 7 years and whose action mechanism would consist in not allowing that the human body produces high levels of the GCH hormone. As long time the government from India contributes funds for the investigation with these inmunocontraceptives, it already has approved the tests of this vaccine, in fertile women. Hence, at local level, we worry about the publication of certain warning in the online Portal of PHO, very contradictory...." Pregnant vaccinated inadvertently . Although it is not contraindication that the pregnant woman is vaccinated with SR, since the scientific advances demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and innocuous for the fetus, the Ministry of Health and Sports recommends not to vaccinate women embarrassed by general caution of not administering biological during the pregnancy and so that it is not related to the vaccine with complications like congenital due malformations to other causes." The certain thing is that in Peru, many pregnant have been vaccinated. Hence, the ideal thing is to have vacines without side effects, powerful, sure, cheap, easy to elaborate, easy to store and to administer that offer immunity against many illnesses with only one application and that they don't need reinforcements. In this context the vaccines to alive attenuated virus, are outside of context.
For that reason the current investigations in vaccines , struggle to identify new forms of granting immunity. At the moment the insertion of certain genes is rehearsed in the genome of the potato and the banana, so that they produces certain proteins that, when being ingested they confer immunity. Another alternative, are the vaccine's subunits or péptides that contrary to the current vaccines, they are not alive, dead or attenuated virus, but rather they only uses that sequence of amino acids with genetic enough information to be detected by the immunologic system of people. Example of it, is the DNA recombinant vaccine of hepatitis B, in which the agent that confers immunity is a protein of the virus, cultivated in yeast and that is inoculated in the organism. Now it is experienced a lot with vaccines of naked DNA, in which small rings of DNA (plásmids), carry only small fractions of the genetic material of the patógen against which is sought to immunize. When the plásmid is injected in the muscle or skin, he penetrates inside the cellular nucleus, to command from there the production of the antigens of the patógen against which one wants to obtain immunity. This way that before was made in industrial big plants it passes to be made in the vaccinated person's own cells, with great efficiency. At the moment, 10 vaccines of naked DNA : against Hepatitis B, malaria, the flu, Herpes simplex and AIDS - are crossing clinical tests that put on approval their security, the same ones it is expected they enter to the market in the next 5 years.
Peru :Campaña Nacional de Vacunación contra la Rubeola
Según nota de diarios argentinos, el pais gaucho gastó el 2003 : 22 millones de dólares en vacunar a 28 millones de argentinos, algo que a la periodista cientifica argentina: Nora Bär (autora de la nota), le pareció excesivo, razón por la cual instaba a la industria argentina a relanzar su primigenio programa de autoabastecimiento de vacunas. La Bär, no solo estaba preocupada por los altos costos, sino también por la eficacia, habida cuenta que cepas antigenicas no argentinas, no siempre proporcionarian protección, al 100%. El hecho importa porque el MINSA (Ministerio de Salud del Perú), acaba de gastar 22 millones de dólares en una Campaña Nacional de Vacunación contra el Sarampión, la Rubéola y el Síndrome de Rubéola Congénita " -01/10/06-05/11/06-), en un universo de apenas 14 millones de peruanos -hombres y mujeres -entre 02- 39 años-. Para el MINSA, la actividad, buscó cumplir con la Resolución CD 44-R1 de la OPS (Organización Panamericana de la Salud) y OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud,), asumida por el Perú, ante el resto de las naciones del continente. Como se sabe, si la Rubéola afecta a una mujer embarazada -principalmente en las primeras semanas de gestación- puede causar aborto, muerte fetal o, nacimientos con lesiones graves : cardiopatías, microcefalia, retardo mental, sordera, ceguera,etc (Síndrome de Rubéola Congénita), evitable con una sola dosis de vacuna. Según la OPS, el Perú es uno de los pocos países en el mundo que todavía presenta casos de Rubeola Congénita. Al respecto y según el periodista : Cesar Hildebrandt (diario : La Primera), el gobierno del presidente Alan García, gastó 22 millones de dólares en comprar dichas vacunas a Esque Group, "una empresa que abastece a las Farmacias del Pueblo, del APRA y cuyo presidente del directorio es el pediatra aprista Hugo Díaz Lozano, amiguísimo del doctor García y sabedor de que la rubéola no es ninguna amenaza en el Perú, como si lo son la TBC, el Dengue, la Bartonellosis, la Tripanosomiasis, etc.". El periodista agrego que según el MINSA, en los últimos cinco años solo se habian presentado en el país, 5 200 casos de rubéola, ninguno mortal.
Frente a ello, la congresista :María Balta, informó, que la Comisión de Salud del Congreso Peruano (23/10/06) -que ella preside- acordó solicitar un informe al Ministro de Salud : Carlos Vallejos Solouguren, en relación al proceso de adquisición de vacunas contra la rubéola, agregando que de momento no habia prosperado el pedido para citar al titular de Salud a comparecer ante la Comisión, razon por la cual se invitó al representante regional de la OPS, para que despeje dudas al respecto. De otro lado, el presidente de la Comisión de Fiscalización del Congreso: Edgard Reymundo, anunció que se iniciará una investigación de oficio, sobre la supuesta compra irregular de vacunas contra la rubéola. En una entrevista concedida a una radio de Lima, el ministro : C. Vallejos S., descartó que exista un conflicto de intereses…”ya que la planificación se realizó el 2004 y los requerimientos el 2005, cuando el APRA no gobernaba”… añadiendo que …”el Perú no compra directamente las vacunas, sino que lo hace -con más de un año de anticipación- por intermedio de la OPS/Washington, que realiza las adquisiciones a través de un Fondo Rotatorio”…. Por su lado, el Asesor Regional de la OPS, Carlos Castillo Solórzano, explicó que con el Fondo Rotatorio se realizan compras conjuntas de vacunas para todos los países de las Américas, reduciendo costos y asegurando la calidad. Las unicas vacunas que se adquieren con este fondo son aquellas precalificadas por la OMS, validando buenas prácticas de manufactura. Agrego que la buena pro para las vacunas contra la rubéola, la dio la OPS/Washington (Nov/05), a la empresa Serum Institute de la India. No obstante, no hay que menospreciar las denuncias de Hildebrandt, porque la propia OMS, evalua en estos dias, una serie de medidas, para evitar fraudes en politicas de salud. Según la OMS, la corrupción se llevaria 12 500 millones de dólares anuales del dinero proporcionado por los gobiernos para la adquisición de medicamentos, a consecuencia de practicas fraudulentas y soborno por intermediarios y funcionarios corruptos.
Lo que no es un anatema contra las vacunaciones ; las propugnamos ampliamente, pero con practicas adecuadas y trasparentes. Ahí esta como ejemplo -según palabras del propio : Jon Kim Andrus- (Jefe de Vacunaciones OPS/OMS), el programa de inmunizaciones cubano, quienes desde 1962 a la fecha, han eliminado la poliomielitis, la difteria, el sarampión, la tos ferina, la rubéola y la parotiditis (paperas). Asimismo, las formas clínicas severas del tétanos infantil, de la meningitis tuberculosa (en menores de un año), las complicaciones graves del síndrome de la rubéola congénita y de la meningoencefalitis postparotiditis. Aparte de otras enfermedades que ya no son un problema de salud en Cuba (con tasas de 0,1 por 100 000 habitantes), como el tétanos y el Haemophilus influenzae o, que han reducido su morbilidad (frecuencia): Fiebre tifoidea, meningocócias y Hepatitis B. Tocante a la vacuna contra la rubéola, el Serum Institute de la India, fabrica 3 tipos de vacunas : la R-Vac (exclusivamente contra rubéola), la MR (vacuna doble: Sarampión y Rubéola, esta es la distribuida en Peru) y una tercera, MPR (Vacuna Triple : Sarampión, Rubéola y Paperas, recomendada por la OMS). En todos los casos se trata de una vacuna a virus vivo atenuada, pasada por celulas humanas diploides (46 cromosomas). La R-Vac, tiene algunos efectos colaterales: rash (2%) y otros menos frecuentes : hipertrofia ganglionar, de glandulas salivales y parotideas, fiebre y a veces : meningitis asepticas. Asociada al Sarampión, puede incrementar el rango de sus efectos colaterales. Asi, Zecca et al, del New Jersey Medical School’s Children’s Hospital, Newark, comparando titulos de anticuerpos antirubeola procedentes de niños autistas y normales, encontro un incremento 3 veces superior en los autistas, validado por el test de Wilcoxon Kruskal Wallas, con resultados estadísticamente significativos. Asimismo, V. Singh demostró una asociación entre infecciones virales (posiblemente derivadas de vacunaciones) y desarrollo de autoanticuerpos presentes en niños autistas (auto-anticuerpos post sarampión, contra MBP -Proteina basica de mielina- o, el cerebro).
Asimismo la vacuna contra la rubéola estaria en capacidad de afectar el sistema inmunológico de una mujer no embarazada, generando respuestas autoinmunes, antifertilizadoras, quedando la mujer sin posibilidad de embarazarse, en la mayoría de los casos, en forma permanente. Algunos periodicos argentinos, aseguran que ya se habrian descubierto algunos de estos casos en Paraná, San Juan, Mendoza, La Plata. Para aquellos que necesitan pruebas, existen casos registrados de la presencia de hormona gonadotrofina (HCG), en las vacunas de tetanos y rubéola. Aumentan las sospechas, ciertas declaraciones realizadas por la OMS, en el sentido de que sus tecnicos trabajan una nueva “vacuna anticonceptiva”, que ”será de largo alcance sin los efectos secundarios asociados a los métodos hormonales; fácil de administrar y con efectos no permanentes”. Una “vacuna inmunoanticonceptiva”, a ser puesta en el mercado dentro de 5 a 7 años y cuyo mecanismo de acción consistiria en no permitir que el cuerpo humano produzca altos niveles de la hormona del embarazo (HCG). En tanto, el gobierno de la India, que aporta fondos para la investigación sobre inmunocontraceptivos, ya ha aprobado los ensayos de esta vacuna, en mujeres fértiles. Por ello, a nivel local, nos preocupa la publicacion de este aviso en el Portal online de la OPS, bastante contradictorio…” Embarazadas vacunadas inadvertidamente (EVI). Si bien no es contraindicación que la mujer embarazada se vacune con SR, ya que los avances científicos demuestran que la vacuna es segura e inocua para el feto, el Ministerio de Salud y Deportes recomienda no vacunar a mujeres embarazadas por precaución general de no administrar biológicos durante el embarazo y para que no se relacione a la vacuna con complicaciones como malformaciones congénitas debidas a otras causas”… Lo cierto es que el Peru, muchas embarazadas han sido vacunadas. Por ello, lo ideal es contar con vacunas sin efectos colaterales, poderosas, seguras, baratas, fáciles de elaborar, almacenar y administrar, que brinden inmunidad contra muchas enfermedades con una sola aplicación y que no necesiten refuerzos. En este contexto las vacunas a virus vivos atenuados, quedan fuera de contexto.
Por eso las investigaciones actuales en vacunas, pugnan por identificar nuevas formas de otorgar inmunidad. Actualmente se ensaya la inserción de ciertos genes en el genoma de la papa y el platano, para que produzcan ciertas proteínas que, al ser ingeridas confieran inmunidad. Otra alternativa, son las vacunas de subunidades o péptidos, que a diferencia de las vacunas actuales, no inoculan virus vivos, muertos o atenuados, sino que emplean tan sólo aquella secuencia de aminoácidos con información genetica suficiente para ser detectadas por el sistema inmunológico de las personas. Ejemplo de ello, es la vacuna ADN recombinante de la hepatitis B, en la que el agente que confiere inmunidad es una proteína del virus, cultivada en levadura y que luego es inoculada en el organismo. Ahora se experimenta mucho con vacunas de ADN desnudo, en las que pequeños anillos de ADN (plásmidos), portan sólo pequeñas fracciónes del material genético del patógeno contra el que se pretende inmunizar. Cuando se inyecta el plásmido en el músculo o piel, éste penetra dentro del núcleo celular, para comandar desde allí la producción de los antígenos del patógeno contra el que se quiere obtener inmunidad. De esta forma lo que antes se hacía en grandes plantas industriales pasa a hacerse en las propias células de la persona vacunada, con gran eficiencia. Actualmente, 10 vacunas de ADN desnudo -contra la hepatitis B, malaria, la gripe, Herpes simplex y SIDA- se encuentran atravesando ensayos clínicos que ponen a prueba su seguridad, las mismas se espera ingresen al mercado en los próximos 5 años.
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