Unique creations of human beings are arts and math. Great parte of human civilization has been built with the latter. With Principia Mathematica, B. Russell tried to construct a century ahead advanced math, until Wittgenstein observed that Principia statements was nothing but daughters of logic. The true is that many math systems are based on theorems proved by inferential sets of rules and axioms without additional assumptions, in which the derivation of a theorem is interpreted as evidence of truth, without further discussion, although other deductive systems achieve different interpretations. It was not surprising then that in 1931 Kurt Gödel, noted that in any formal math system was impossible to prove all truths contained in it (Incompleteness theorems : Any effectively generated theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic can not be both consistent and complete. In particular, for any consistent, effectively generated formal theory that proves certain basic arithmetic truths, there is an arithmetical statement that is true, but probably not in the theory). Later, Heisenberg, said that trying to improve the accuracy of the position of an object, inevitably degrades the level of certainty of the momentum.
Now David H. Wolpert (NASA Ames Research Center), argues that understanding physical universe, is beyond any intellect, because it can not be completely understood by any inferential (inductive), system. Wolpert used Cantor diagonalization to prove that any spatial sequence of events (world-lines) consistent with the laws of physics, can not be grasped by any inferential machine to predict all the conclusions of any observation or possible experiment. Equations (laws) that govern complex systems are impossible to infer. We know some laws, not all. Remember that the theory of everything is based on formal math systems. To support his theory, Wolpert established rules to measure quantities, visible phenomena, prediction of future systems or rules to remember past information with laws independent of physics, in which certain questions of the universe must necessarily be specified. Wolpert, uses mathematical entities that he called inferential devices, which operate on a set of possible universes similar to ours, where people are devices or parts of an inferential. According to Wolpert in any system of universes exist quantities that can not be determined by any inferential devices.
Now David H. Wolpert (NASA Ames Research Center), argues that understanding physical universe, is beyond any intellect, because it can not be completely understood by any inferential (inductive), system. Wolpert used Cantor diagonalization to prove that any spatial sequence of events (world-lines) consistent with the laws of physics, can not be grasped by any inferential machine to predict all the conclusions of any observation or possible experiment. Equations (laws) that govern complex systems are impossible to infer. We know some laws, not all. Remember that the theory of everything is based on formal math systems. To support his theory, Wolpert established rules to measure quantities, visible phenomena, prediction of future systems or rules to remember past information with laws independent of physics, in which certain questions of the universe must necessarily be specified. Wolpert, uses mathematical entities that he called inferential devices, which operate on a set of possible universes similar to ours, where people are devices or parts of an inferential. According to Wolpert in any system of universes exist quantities that can not be determined by any inferential devices.
Las únicas creaciónes del ser humano son las artes y las matemáticas. Con las últimas, se ha construido la civilización actual. Con Principia Matemática, B. Russell pretendió construir una matemática para las centurias siguientes, hasta que Wittgenstein le encaró que estas eran nada más que hijas de la lógica. Lo real es que muchos sistemas matemáticos asientan sobre teoremas probados por sets de reglas inferenciales y axiomas, sin asunciones adicionales, en las que la derivación de un teorema se interpreta como prueba de verdad, sin mayor discusión, aunque otros sistemas deductivos logren interpretaciones diferentes. No era de extrañar entonces que en 1931 Kurt Gödel, observara que en cualquier sistema formal matemático era imposible probar todas sus verdades contenidas (Incompleteness theorems ; Any effectively generated theory capable of expressing elementary arithmetic cannot be both consistent and complete. In particular, for any consistent, effectively generated formal theory that proves certain basic arithmetic truths, there is an arithmetical statement that is true, but not provable in the theory). Más tarde, Werner Heisenberg, notaria que mejorar la precisión de la posición de un objeto, inevitablemente degrada el nivel de certeza de su momento.
Ahora David H. Wolpert, (NASA Ames Research Center), sostiene que la comprensión del universo fisico, esta más allá de cualquier intelecto. Que este no puede ser completamente comprendido por ningún sistema inferencial (inductivo). Wolpert emplea la diagonalización de Cantor para probar que en cualquier secuencia espacial de eventos (world-lines) consistentes con las leyes de la física, no existe ninguna máquina inferencial capaz de predecir todas las conclusiones para cualquier observación o experimento posible. Las ecuaciones (leyes) que rigen muchos sistemas complejos son imposibles de inferir. Podemos conocer algunas leyes, no todas. Y pensar que la teoria del todo asienta sobre sistemas de matemáticas formales. Para sostener su teoria Wolpert ha creado medidas para medir cantidades, observar fenómenos, predecir sistemas futuros o recordar información pasada con descripcciones independientes de las leyes de la fisica, en las que ciertas cuestiones del universo deben ser necesariamente, espeficadas. Wolpert, emplea entidades matemáticas denominadas por él dispositivos inferenciales, que actúan sobre un set de posibles universos, similares al nuestro, donde las personas son dispositivos inferenciales o partes de uno. Según Wolpert en cualquier sistema de universos existen cantidades que no pueden ser determinadas por cualquier dispositivo inferencial.
Labels: Incompleteness theorem
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