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Monday, January 31, 2011


Vladimir Mironov, tissue engineering and current director of Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center at the Medical University of South Carolina is an old friend that spent several years manufacturing human body organs. As a result of this work he has developed a collateral idea: grow meat in laboratories, a task which if be successful would alleviate many global food crisis. Mironov at the moment, has the problem of shortage of funds and acceptance of this type of meat associated with technology by the general public. While Mironov imagine a football field full of big meat bioreactors, he said that this technology is capable of providing flavor (with added fat) and texture to te meat. Now, the scientist pulls myoblasts (embryonic muscle cells) of muscle of turkeys and bath it with sheep serum in a structure (nutrients), made of chitosan (polymer common in nature), in order to grow skeletal muscles. He plans later add to the meat inside a vascular system and oxygen, hoping that this kind of meatwill be cheap and efficient. Add the scientist that this type of meat could be produced during prolonged space travel.


Vladimir Mironov, ingeniero de tejidos y actual director del Advanced Tissue Biofabrication Center at the Medical University of South Carolina es un viejo conocido dedicado desde hace años a fabricar órganos corporales humanos. Como producto de esta labor ha desarrollado una idea colateral : cultivar (hacer crecer), carne en laboratorios, tarea que de ser exitosa aliviaría muchas crisis alimentarias globales. De momento Mironov, tiene el problema de la escasez de fondos y la aceptación de este tipo de carne asociada a tecnologia por parte del gran publico. Mientras Mironov imagina un campo de futbol lleno de grandes bioreactores de carne, asegura que esta tecnología es capaz de proporcionar sabor (mediante adicion de grasa) y textura a la carne. De momento, el científico extrae mioblastos (celulas embrionarias musculares), de musculo de pavos y los baña con nutrientes de suero ovino en una estructura hecha de chitosan (polímero común de la naturaleza), para hacer crecer musculos esqueléticos. Mas adelante piensa agregar a esta carne un sistema vascular interior y oxigeno, esperando que esta sea barata y su produccion eficiente. Agrega el científico que esta carne podría ser producida durante viajes espaciales prolongados.



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