Drawing extracted from PNAS
Biologists have long known that sperm cells of all animals are extremely diverse, reflecting adaptations to highly variable conditions in which sperm compete to reach fertilization, provided that the female involved select sperm that will generate profits to her. The generation of sperm takes place in physiological and morphological highly variables environments that change rapidly as a result of multiple mating assigning a major role to sexual selection in the design of functional sperm and female fertilizing organs.
In this regard a group of researchers led by Lukas Schärer analyzed comparatively 16 species of the hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum spp showing complexities of sperm (stiff side bristles sperm, female resistance traits to semen, sperm postcopulatory suction, thickened epithelium of female receiving organ), related to complex interactions between sperm donor and the sperm recipient. Sperm design that change drastically if hypodermic insemination are used (injection of sperm through the epidermis), obtaining sperm with simpler designs and a single model of female genitalia.
In this regard a group of researchers led by Lukas Schärer analyzed comparatively 16 species of the hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum spp showing complexities of sperm (stiff side bristles sperm, female resistance traits to semen, sperm postcopulatory suction, thickened epithelium of female receiving organ), related to complex interactions between sperm donor and the sperm recipient. Sperm design that change drastically if hypodermic insemination are used (injection of sperm through the epidermis), obtaining sperm with simpler designs and a single model of female genitalia.
Los biologos saben desde hace tiempo que las celulas espermaticas de todos los animales son extraordinariamente diversas, reflejo de adaptaciones a condiciones altamente variables en las cuales el esperma compite para lograr la fertilización, entendiéndose que la hembra participa escogiendo el esperma que le generara beneficios. La generación de esperma se realiza en medios ambientes fisiológicos y morfológicos altamente variables, que cambian rápidamente a consecuencia de multiples coitos asignando un rol preponderante a la seleccion sexual en el diseño del esperma funcional y de los organismos fertilizantes internos.
Al respecto un grupo de investigadores liderados por Lukas Schärer analizaron comparativamente 16 especies del gusano plano hermafrodita Macrostomum spp mostrando las complejidades del diseño espermático (pelos laterales, espermáticos, rasgos femeninos de resistencia al esperma, succion postcopulatoria del esperma, epitelio engrosado del órgano receptor femenino), asociados a complejas interacciones entre el esperma donador y el recipiente espermático. Diseño espermático que puede cambiar drasticamente si se recurre a inseminacion hipodermica (injeccion de esperma a través de la epidermis), obteniendose diseños espermáticos mas simples y una única morfología genital femenina.
Labels: sperm adaptations
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