The loss of data contained in microchips due to collision of airplanes urged Sang-Hee Yoon and Sungmin Park (University of California, Berkeley), to mimic the way the golden-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes aurifons) absorbs shock waves induced by constant pecking at trees, without damaging its brain. A woodpecker's ability to withstand 1200g while pecking a tree, at a rate of 22 times per second. Humans damage their brains with slowdowns as light as 80 to 100g.Studying video and CT scans of the head of the woodpecker, the scientists found 4 structures that absorb mechanical schok waves : 1) A hard peak, which does not bend or fracture imitated by an outer layer of metal, first line to absorb shock waves. 2) Participation of the hyoid bone (located behind the skull) bone structure, retractable, solid, support for the tongue to evenly distribute the vibrations. Mimicked by a rubber layer.
3) Area of porous bone in the skull, to stop low frequency waves that could damage the brain, imitated by a layer of glass beads 1 mm in diameter, on which are located densely packed chips. 4) Space containing the cerebrospinal fluid (between the skull and brain), to reduce transmission of vibrations. Imitated by a second layer of aluminum. As the system provides protection against shock waves of up to 60.000 g, it is possible to use this system to prevent fractures of microdevices of spacecraft due to impact of micrometeorites and space debris. Also, to protect the electronics of Formula-1 car and to the driver protecting his brain and internal organs through sophisticated seatbelts and restraint systems of the head and neck.
3) Area of porous bone in the skull, to stop low frequency waves that could damage the brain, imitated by a layer of glass beads 1 mm in diameter, on which are located densely packed chips. 4) Space containing the cerebrospinal fluid (between the skull and brain), to reduce transmission of vibrations. Imitated by a second layer of aluminum. As the system provides protection against shock waves of up to 60.000 g, it is possible to use this system to prevent fractures of microdevices of spacecraft due to impact of micrometeorites and space debris. Also, to protect the electronics of Formula-1 car and to the driver protecting his brain and internal organs through sophisticated seatbelts and restraint systems of the head and neck.
La perdida de datos contenidos en microchips a efectos de colisiones de aeroplanos, motivo a Sang-Hee Yoon y Sungmin Park (University of California, Berkeley), a imitar la forma como el pajaro carpintero cabeza dorada (Melanerpes aurifons), absorbe las ondas de choque inducidas por su constante picoteo de arboles, sin dañar su cerebro. Una habilidad del pájaro carpintero capaz de resistir desaceleraciones de hasta 1200g mientras picotea un arbol, a razón de 22 veces por segundo. Los humanos dañan sus cerebros con desaceleraciones tan leves como 80 a 100g, Estudiando un video y CT scans de la cabeza del pájaro carpintero, los científicos hallaron 4 estructuras que absorben el schok mecanico :1) Un pico duro, que no se dobla ni fractura, imitada por una capa externa de metal, primera línea en absorber ondas de choque. 2) Participación del hueso hioide (ubicado detrás del cráneo): una estructura osea, retractil, solida, soporte de la lengua para distribuir uniformemente las vibraciones. Imitada por una capa de goma.
3) Area de hueso poroso en el craneo, para detener ondas de baja frecuencia que podrían dañar al cerebro, imitada por una capa de bolillas de vidrio de 1 mm de diámetro, densamente empaquetadas donde se ubican los chips. 4) Espacio que contiene al liquido cefalorraquídeo (entre cráneo y cerebro), para reducir la trasmisión de vibraciones. Imitada por una segunda capa de aluminio con la misma función. Como el sistema brinda proteccion contra ondas de choque de hasta 60,000g, es posible emplearlo también para impedir fracturas de microdispositivos de naves espaciales a efecto de micrometeoritos y basura espacial. Asimismo, para proteger la electronica de carros Formula-1 y al piloto protegiendo su cerebro y organos internos mediante sofisticados cinturones de asiento y sistemas de contencion de cabeza y cuello.
Labels: artificial schock absorber
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