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Friday, November 25, 2011


We think that Paul Riley (Chair of Anatomy,  Genetics, Development and Reproduction in the Department of Physiology/University of Oxford), will be a future winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his original ideas. Riley has discovered that epicardiac adult cells in dormant state are able to be activated and prevent or regenerate infarcted areas infusing people at risk a compound called thymosin beta-4, able to induce the formation of new bloodvessels in the heart. As it is seen, the epicardium would be a source of multipotent cardiovascular progenitor cells in the adult heart.


Pensamos que Paul Riley (Chair of Development and Reproduction in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics/University of Oxford), sera uno de los futures ganadores del Premio Nobel de Medicina por sus originales ideas. Riley ha descubierto que ciertas células epicardiacas adultas en estado dormido son capaces de activarse y dirigirse hacia areas recientemente infartadas y regenerarlas infundiendo a personas en riesgo o con infartos cardiacos establecidos un compuesto llamado thymosin beta-4, capáz de inducir la formación de nuevos vasos sanguíneos en el corazón. Como se ve, el epicardio seria una fuente de células progenitoras multipotentes cardiovasculares en el corazón adulto.



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