The road to build an artificial sun.
Because of the difficulties for its observation, until recently alone it was known that the sun emitted energy and visible matter at certain distance (solar flares) and that in its interior it housed sunspots (dark visible points, with temperatures 50 % smaller to their surroundings). In order to overcome this hardship of knowledge, NASA, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland and some Institutes of Physics of Great Britain (photographic cameras and Heliospheric Image: HI, in charge of following Coronal Mass Ejections CMEs in their route toward the Earth), they launched in Octubre/2006, 2 twins probes (STEREO: Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory, carrying each one almost identical laboratories), orbiting the Earth, one ahead the other one, in order to obtain 3D images of the Sun. According to Mike Kaiser, scientific of Stereo Project, Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center, the novelty of the Stereo probes is its 3D power. When moving one ahead the other one they obtain combined images of the sun, similar to those elaborated by the stereoscopic human capacity (visual perception of depth and distances, provided by 2 eyes separated 7,5 cm among them) vision that achieves images with lightly different perspectives. The brain fuses the images, understands the differences and uses them to calculate distances.
The experts believe that the study of these images: I) will improved our understanding of sun physics, being achieved a better knowledge of the violent launching of billions tons of ionized particles of the sun toward the earth (Coronal Mass Ejections: CMEs). When a cloud of CMEs collides with magnetic terraqueous fields, causes magnetic storms that alter terraqueous sources of power, overturn satellite systems (GPS, Galileo System) and can affect astronauts. Thanks to this knowledge, it is hoped to make protective shields for ships and astronauts. II) will improved our ability to model and to predict exo-metereologic events (spatial). Dr. Russell Howard of Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, main investigator of Secchi (Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation) said ”we have seen fine filaments of plasm (ionized matter), leaving the center of the sun connecting opposed poles of the same one. Richard Harrison of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire adds "colaterally, we have seen highly structured lines of comets indicating iron presence, barely visible asteroids, planets and stars”. With this knowledge certainly we are paving the road to build by means of atomic fission an fusion an artificial sun.
The experts believe that the study of these images: I) will improved our understanding of sun physics, being achieved a better knowledge of the violent launching of billions tons of ionized particles of the sun toward the earth (Coronal Mass Ejections: CMEs). When a cloud of CMEs collides with magnetic terraqueous fields, causes magnetic storms that alter terraqueous sources of power, overturn satellite systems (GPS, Galileo System) and can affect astronauts. Thanks to this knowledge, it is hoped to make protective shields for ships and astronauts. II) will improved our ability to model and to predict exo-metereologic events (spatial). Dr. Russell Howard of Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, main investigator of Secchi (Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation) said ”we have seen fine filaments of plasm (ionized matter), leaving the center of the sun connecting opposed poles of the same one. Richard Harrison of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire adds "colaterally, we have seen highly structured lines of comets indicating iron presence, barely visible asteroids, planets and stars”. With this knowledge certainly we are paving the road to build by means of atomic fission an fusion an artificial sun.
In this link (Spiegel online), you will find 22 sun's pictures in 3D.
To appreciate them in all their magnitude, try to build your own 3D eyeglasses. For it :1) Designs and elaborate 2 halves of eyeglasses, with holes for the eyes using strong poster cardboard 2) Link the halves of the eyeglasses with tape scotch 3) Cover the holes of the eyes with transparent (glass paper, but big than the opening of the eyes) paper : red color (left eye) and blue color (right eye).
Camino a la construcción de soles artificiales.

Camino a la construcción de soles artificiales.
A causa de las dificultades para su observación, hasta hace poco solo se conocia que el sol emitia energia y materia visible a cierta distancia (corona radiante) y que en su interior albergaba manchas solares (puntos oscuros visibles, con temperaturas 50% menores a su contraparte circundantes). A fin de remontar esta estrechéz de conocimientos, la NASA, el Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland y algunos Institutos de Fisica de Gran Bretaña (sistemas de cámaras fotográficas y el Heliospheric Imagen: HI, encargado de seguir los Coronal Mass Ejections CMEs en su ruta hacia la tierra), lanzaron en Octubre/2006, 2 sondas gemelas (STEREO :Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory, portando c/u laboratorios casi identicos), orbitando la Tierra, una delante de la otra, a fin de obtener imágenes en 3D del Sol. Según Mike Kaiser, cientifico del Stereo Project, Nasa's Goddard Space Flight Center, lo novedoso de las sondas Stereo es su vision en 3D. Al moverse una delante de la otra obtienen imágenes combinadas del sol, semejantes a las elaboradas por la vision estereoscópica humana (percepción visual de profundidad y distancia, proporcionada por 2 ojos separados 7,5 cm entre si), que logra imágenes con perspectivas ligeramente diferentes. El cerebro fusiona las imágenes, entiende las diferencias y las usa para calcular distancias .
Los expertos creen que el estudio de estas imágenes : 1) mejorará nuestra comprensión de la fisica solar, lograndose un mejor conocimiento del violento lanzamiento de billones de toneladas de particulas ionizadas del sol hacia la tierra (Coronal Mass Ejections :CMEs). Cuando una nube de CMEs choca con campos magnéticos terraqueos, causa tormentas magnéticas que al sobrecargar las fuentes de poder las alteran, trastornan los sistemas satelitales (GPS,Galileo) y pueden afectar a astronautas. Gracias a ello, se espera confeccionar escudos protectores para naves y astronautas. 2) mejorará nuestra habilidad para modelar y predecir sucesos exo-metereológicos (espaciales). El Dr Russell Howard del Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, principal investigador del Secchi (Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation) dice "hemos visto finos filamentos de plasma (materia ionizada), saliendo del centro del sol conectando polos opuestos del mismo. .Richard Harrison del Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire agrega “colateralmente, hemos visto colas altamente estructuradas de cometas indicando la presencia de hierro, asteroides escasamente visibles, planetas y estrellas. Estos conocimientos nos llevaran (estamos seguros de ello), a crear mediante fusiones y fisiones atomicas, futuros soles artificiales.
En este link (spiegel online)encontrara 22 fotografias en 3D. Para apreciarlas en toda su magnitud, Ud, deberá verlas con lentes de 3D. Para ello 1) diseñe y elabore 2 mitades de lentes, con hoyos para los ojos empleando cartón sólido 2) una las mitades de los lentes con cinta scotch 3) cubra los hoyos de los ojos con papel transparente (de vidrio, mas grandes que las apertura de los ojos), de color rojo (ojo izquierdo) y azul (ojo derecho).
Labels: 3D sun's images, stereo mission, stereoscopic vision
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