Teleportation:not only light, also matter.
Video in Spanish:Teleportación, a corta distancia.
The first references to the meaning of teleportatión, arrived from the literature, specifically from sci/fi. The history of the man dismembered until its intimate constituent atoms, placed then to the interior of a telegraph cable - for finally to be reinstated to its normal form, in the other end is well known. As in all process they didn't lack the incidents. In one of them the transmission was interrupted, when it had been only reconstituted the head of the man. Thanks to the pioneer works of Australian Anton Zeilinger (1997), today we have more precise concepts of teleportatión, conceived as the process of moving objects from one place to other - but or less instantly - without trafficking for physical usual spaces. Zeilinger, teleported photons of light at reduced distances: millimeters (Nature,1997). After it, were teleported ions and the first qbits (quantum bits). The successful transport of these last ones, allows a physical explanation of the phenomenon: a) a photon in quantum state is divided in two, following opposed addresses b) a qbit of information, mounted in one of the photons (independent, but related by its origin: entanglement phenomenon), it appears instantly, mounted on the other photon.
Today, Eugene D. Polzik of the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen / Denmark, Ignacio Cirac of Max Planck Institut for Quantum Optics and collaborators, achieved for the first time, teleport light and matter. For it they threw it a short laser beam against a glass cube containing 1 billion atoms of Cesium in gaseous state, to which they had previously modified their spin ( rotational movement of the atoms), with magnetic powerful fields, so the polarization of the laser beams coincides with their spins (now uniformed), of the atoms of Cesium. The sending of a second laser beam, against the complex : laser / Cesium, allowed the teleportatión of photons and atoms of Cesium at a distance of 50 cms. Polzik, assures that in this case the light laser is the means of transmission and the atoms of Cesium, the means of storage of the information. Although the teleportatión successful was achieved in alone 64% of the intents carried out to envirommental temperature, the researchers believe that improving the conditions (smaller temperature, etc), in 10 years it will be possible teleport the first organic molecules.
Soon after 1900, Einstein spoke. "of the ghost effect at long distance" .... During the teleportatión, two atoms or, photons of light, are mutually influenced does not matter the distance in that they are. If an atom, changes its quality, the other one distant, will be modified in the same way. The matter is interesting because it outlines paradoxes. In the quantum states of teleportatión, many effects cannot appropriately be measured (principle of uncertainty of Heisenberg). Without mensurations there is not knowledge. Without measurable phenomena there are not changes. Although the results, lead the imagination to instantaneous trips of human to distant planets, Polzik assures that at the moment but future has the qbits (quantum computation) transport and the quantum criptography, that will allow the instantaneous transmission and storage of big quantities of information, with an exception: the qbits received stays; the sent they are destroyed. Teleportation : delight for bankers, agents of security and secret services.
Today, Eugene D. Polzik of the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen / Denmark, Ignacio Cirac of Max Planck Institut for Quantum Optics and collaborators, achieved for the first time, teleport light and matter. For it they threw it a short laser beam against a glass cube containing 1 billion atoms of Cesium in gaseous state, to which they had previously modified their spin ( rotational movement of the atoms), with magnetic powerful fields, so the polarization of the laser beams coincides with their spins (now uniformed), of the atoms of Cesium. The sending of a second laser beam, against the complex : laser / Cesium, allowed the teleportatión of photons and atoms of Cesium at a distance of 50 cms. Polzik, assures that in this case the light laser is the means of transmission and the atoms of Cesium, the means of storage of the information. Although the teleportatión successful was achieved in alone 64% of the intents carried out to envirommental temperature, the researchers believe that improving the conditions (smaller temperature, etc), in 10 years it will be possible teleport the first organic molecules.
Soon after 1900, Einstein spoke. "of the ghost effect at long distance" .... During the teleportatión, two atoms or, photons of light, are mutually influenced does not matter the distance in that they are. If an atom, changes its quality, the other one distant, will be modified in the same way. The matter is interesting because it outlines paradoxes. In the quantum states of teleportatión, many effects cannot appropriately be measured (principle of uncertainty of Heisenberg). Without mensurations there is not knowledge. Without measurable phenomena there are not changes. Although the results, lead the imagination to instantaneous trips of human to distant planets, Polzik assures that at the moment but future has the qbits (quantum computation) transport and the quantum criptography, that will allow the instantaneous transmission and storage of big quantities of information, with an exception: the qbits received stays; the sent they are destroyed. Teleportation : delight for bankers, agents of security and secret services.
Teleportación: ahora luz y también materia.
Las primeras referencias al significado del término teleportación, llegaron de los predios de la literatura, específicamente de la ciencia-ficción. Es conocida la historia del hombre desmembrado hasta sus intimos átomos constituyentes –colocados estos, al interior de un cable de telegrafo - para finalmente ser reintegrados a su forma normal, en el otro extremo. Como en todo proceso no faltaron los incidentes. En uno de ellos la trasmisión fué interrumpida, cuando apenas se habia reconstituido la cabeza del hombre. Gracias a los trabajos pioneros del australiano Anton Zeilinger (1997), hoy tenemos conceptos más precisos de la teleportación, concebida como el proceso de mover objetos de un lugar a otro -mas o menos instantáneamente- sin transitar por espacios fisicos usuales. Zeilinger, teleportó fotones de luz a distancias reducidas : milímetros (Nature,1997). Poco después, serian teleportados iones y los primeros qbits (bits cuánticos). El transporte exitoso de estos últimos, permite una explicación fisica del fenómeno : a) un fotón en estado cuántico es partido en dos, siguiendo direcciones opuestas b) un qbit de información, montado en uno de los fotones (independientes, pero relacionados por su origen: entanglement o, encadenamiento), aparece instantáneamente, montado sobre el otro fotón.
Hoy, Eugene D. Polzik del Instituto Niels Bohr de la Universidad de Copenhague/ Dinamarca, Ignacio Cirac del Max Planck Institut for Quantum Optics y colaboradores, lograron por primera véz, teleportar luz y materia. Para ello lanzaron un corto rayo de luz laser contra un cubo de vidrio conteniendo 1 billon de átomos de Cesio en estado gaseoso, a los que habian modificado previamente su spin (movimiento rotacional de los atomos), con poderosos campos magnéticos, de modo que la polarización de la luz laser coincidiese con sus spins (ahora uniformizados), de los atomos de Cesio. El envio de un segundo rayo laser, contra el complejo luz laser/Cesio, permitió la teleportación de fotones de luz y atomos de Cesio a una distancia de 50 cms. Polzik, asegura que en este caso la luz laser es el medio de trasmisión y los atomos de Cesio, el medio de almacenamiento de la información. Aunque la teleportación fué exitosa en solo un 64% de los intentos realizados a temperatura ambiente, los investigadores creen que mejorando las condiciones (menor temperatura, etc), dentro de 10 años será posible teleportar las primeras moléculas orgánicas.
Poco después de 1900, Einstein hablaba …”del efecto fantasma a larga distancia”....Durante la teleportación, dos átomos o, fotones de luz, se influyen cualesquiera sea la distancia en que se encuentren. Si un atomo, cambia su cualidad, el otro distante, sera modificado de la misma forma. El asunto es interesante porque plantea paradojas. En los estados cuánticos de teleportación, no se pueden medir adecuadamente muchos efectos (principio de incertidumbre de Heisenberg). Sin mediciones no hay conocimiento. Sin fenómenos mensurables no hay cambios. Aunque los resultados, conduzcan la imaginación a viajes instantáneos de humanos a planetas distantes, Polzik asegura que de momento mas futuro tiene el transporte de qbits (computación cuántica) y la criptografia cuántica, que permitirá la trasmisión instantanea y almacenamiento de grandes cantidades de información, con una salvedad : los qbits recepcionados se mantienen ; los enviados, son destruidos. Delicia para banqueros, agentes de seguridad y servicios secretos.
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