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Thursday, June 18, 2020



I-A vast number of scientists agree that the predation of nature started with the industrial age and was facilitated by contemporary globalization (deforestation of forests and jungles, pollution of the sea, corruption of the land by mining waste, of space with space debris, emergence of holes in the ozone layer, darkening of our skies by industrial smog, global warming with lysis of glaciers, extinction of certain animal species), has changed nature, making it inhospitable. So, soon after the Covid-19 pandemic started, it was easy to see countless dolphins, pelicans and other birds, on the coasts of quarantined countries, a sign of the ongoing misfortune (they came for food and to recover their inheritances). It is that, for thousands of years, the corporality of animals and the structure of vegetables was the first defensive mattress against fierce viral attacks. The viruses attacked the animals that populated the earth before humans because their complex bodies allowed them to reproduce. After a prolonged fight, the animals generated their own defenses and varied natural immune strategies, establishing a mutually beneficial virus-animal coexistence. When time passed, the viruses realized that the animals were decimated and cornered, they opted for the obvious: to replace animals   with the increasingly numerous humans, lately living in metropolises with high population density. While SARS (2002) and MERS (2012) were exploratory coronaviruses, Covid-19, like others in progress, with more confidence and better strategies are here to stay. II-In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic and others to come, obvious proposals emerge: a) The first is to convene a global forum in which, at the same time that we discuss preventive proposals to improve global human health, we also take into account the entire health of planet Earth, which we should see as a properly shared, distributed and cared for whole (Gaia hypothesis), -hypothesis-wikipedia.pdf in which all human activities should be seen in a different, healthier, more ecological way, starting with mass wind and solar energy, instead of oil-derived pollutants, preserving world forests and jungles, promote democratic coexistence of all human races and minority groups, compromise and harmony with all plant animal species, but also with bacteria and viruses, in such a way that all beings alive -not only humans- will be the end and not the means. III. Preventing and fighting the pandemics to come also implies giving answers to unresolved questions. Regarding viruses: a) Why are viruses selectively attracted to cellular genomes? What does it mean for a virus's RNA to perfectly match the DNA of a cell and reproduce? A phenomenon that happens to parts that were once a whole. b) Where do viruses come from? Are they incomplete remains of dead animals or vegetables? Recycled paleofossils? If so, the cremation of all living dead beings could be a solution. c) The presence of a genome within viruses makes them computable, that is, predictable, with respect to their actions. If so, then the number of its potential mutations and even the severity of its infectivity could be calculated. d) The permanence of viruses in the animal and human genome helped to evolve the latter? Perhaps, by finding answers to these questions, we can take leaps and bounds in this regard and not just be relying on vaccines. We need scientific dissertations and reflections, with perspective.

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